Course Calendar

The course calendar (in this outline) details scheduling information. Note that this calendar may change as the course proceeds. Any changes will be announced at lectures and be detailed on Whiteboard.

Students are expected to prepare for and attend all classes to gain full benefit from the course

These activities should be prepared for by reviewing information detailed on Whiteboard and completing any assigned readings. Students unable to attend a lecture are expected to catch up on missed material. Unless stated otherwise, all aspects of the course are examinable.

Lecture Day/Time: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday 13:00-13:45

Evening Times:  Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday 19:00-19:45

Course Break:  August 23- August 31 2020

Every week students must attend not less than two lectures and 1 tutorial where required.

Lecture Lecture Date Topic Assessment/due
Number dates/Tests
1 29 June – 1 July            Welcoming Week
2 7 July – 19 July    Module 1: Introduction: Entrepreneurial Thinking
3 21 July- 2 August Module 2: Business Innovation Management


4 4 – 16 August Module 3:  Entrepreneurial Finance Management
5 18- 23 August Module 1-3 Assignments & Tests
Mid Semester Break  23 – 31 August

Mentorship Fellowships

6 1-    13 Sept
Module 4: e-Marketing & New Media
7 15-27 Sept Module 5: People Management
8  29 Sept-11 October  Module 6: Strategy and Business Management Models ,
12 13-25 October
Module 7: Personal Development
13 1-8 Nov Tests, Assignments Module 4-7
14 19 November  Exam



Completion of Mentorship & Certification